Friday, 14 April 2017

Sticky Sweet Almond Quinoa

I mainly eat quinoa as part of a savory dish, but I have always found that good quinoa has a little bit of natural sweetness.  For me, this sweet flavor makes quinoa perfect for breakfast.

¼ cup dry quinoa
¾ cup vanilla almond milk
1 Tbsp. almond slices for garnishing (optional)

  1. If you are not using pre-rinsed quinoa, rinse the quinoa well to remove the bitter saponin.  (Note: I like to buy the truRoots quinoa so that I can always skip this step). 
  2. Stir milk and dry quinoa together in a pot.
  3. Turn the heat on to high and bring mixture just to a boil.
  4. Reduce heat to low, semi-cover the pot (put the lid on at an angle), and allow to cook for 20 to 30 minutes, until the milk is fully absorbed. 
  5. Sprinkle with almonds, and enjoy.
Makes ½ cup.

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